About Philanthropy West Virginia

By attending the programs offered by Philanthropy WV, I have become a more effective grantmaker. I’ve also built a network of colleagues and friends throughout WV, and beyond, who care about and want to improve our state and who I can turn to for advice and collaboration. “
Marian Clowes
Associate Director, Sister's Health Foundation

As West Virginia’s leading voice and premier resource for philanthropy, Philanthropy West Virginia is committed to helping its members fulfill their charitable goals.  It does so by providing opportunities for trustees and staff to network, build skills, enhance knowledge and demonstrate leadership. Philanthropy WV is the forum for funders to exchange information, discuss common interests, learn about relevant issues, hone their grantmaking skills and establish networks of important relationships across the state.  Through its programs and services, Philanthropy WV helps funders become more efficient, effective grantmakers.

Philanthropy WV members include private and family foundations, community foundations, corporate foundations and giving programs, health funders and other types of grantmakers. Philanthropy WV also works to build and maintain relationships with other key stakeholders in the field, including media outlets and public policy makers among others.

We are one of more than 90 associations across the nation that work to promote philanthropy. These associations work very closely with one another to ensure our members have the best available resources from coast to coast.

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We are excited to announce that we received a 2019 Nonprofit Excellence Award from the West Virginia Nonprofit Association (WVNPA), and a 2019 Gold Seal of Transparency from Guidestar. You can read more about the WVNPA’s Excellence Awards here.