Our 2021 Annual Conference is a virtual event, October 27-29 hosted on Zoom. We are committed to providing high quality content, including keynotes and panel sessions from leaders in philanthropy across West Virginia.
Click the JOIN link to attend a session.
Wednesday, October 27 – Day 1
10:00 a.m. | New Member Orientation JOIN |
11:00 a.m | Conference Launch & Welcome Remarks JOIN |
11:15 a.m. | Opening Keynote Day 1: Advancing Trust Based Philanthropy through and after the Pandemic – Phil Li, President & CEO of the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation. What have we as funders learned about our recent adjustments during the pandemic and what do we change going forward? Join Phil Li for a 2.0 discussion on how your foundation can simplify your grant application practices, strengthen partnerships with your grantees, and what philanthropy looks like going into 2021 and beyond. JOIN |
12:15 p.m. | Lunch Break with Entertainment JOIN |
1:00 p.m. | Breakouts Day #1: Concurrent Workshop Track Sessions |
Track A. Legal Session: Legal Deep Dive on Evolving Issues & Examining Changes – Ben McDearmon, JD of the Council on Foundations. For board members, executive directors/CEOs, staff, and lawyers, come ready to learn of changes and updates on legal matters for foundations and other funders. Also, bring your questions for your foundation, corporate giving, or grantmaking legal matters. JOIN | |
Track B. CEO & Board Member Track: Advancing New Practices & Changes at the CEO & Board. As a funder creates new practices or implements changes it is a team approach at the board and staff level. Join us for an in-depth discussion among foundation leaders creating new practices at their organizations and how other board members and CEOs/executive directors can coordinate similar processes. Discussion panelists include: – Phil Li, President & CEO of the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation – Beth Collins, Executive Director of Sisters of St. Joseph Health & Wellness Foundation – Jessica Rine, Executive Director of United way of the Upper Ohio Valley JOIN | |
2:05 p.m. | Day 1 Closing Keynote: Leveraging this Moment to Lift Up WV’s Communities – State and national philanthropy, government, nonprofit, and business leaders will lead an action oriented discussion on using the attention on rural communities, national funding opportunities, and local solutions to build up West Virginia’s communities stronger for the future. Think Big, Be Bold, and Drive Change! Panelists include: – Brandon McBride, Executive Director of Applachian Regional Commission – Stephanie Tyree, WV Community Development Hub – Danielle Vetter, Ascendium Education Philanthropy – Doug Lynott, U.S. Economic Development Administration JOIN |
3:00 p.m | Final Remarks & Day 2 Updates JOIN |
3:05 p.m. | Day #1 Adjourn |
Thursday, October 28 – Day 2
9:00 a.m. | Foundant GLM/SLM Virtual User Group: Join other Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) and Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) users along with Foundant staff for a few hours of networking and learning through a Virtual User Group during the Philanthropy WV Conference Conference. You’ll get a walk-through of the most recent GLM and SLM release information, receive guidance, and a chance to ask questions and network with others like you. JOIN |
11:00 a.m | Welcome Remarks & News JOIN |
11:10 a.m. | Day #2 Opening Keynote: Philanthropy’s Role in advancing Housing as Infrastructure – Amanda Andere, CEO of Funders Together to End Homelessness. As the recovery begins from the pandemic, homelessness and challenges of accessing quality housing for all West Virginians has grown. This keynote will discuss the importance of housing access and roles that philanthropy can lead and support to improve housing access. JOIN |
12:15 p.m | Lunch Break with Entertainment JOIN |
12:15 p.m. | Dedicated Office Hours with Foundant Technologies. Come learn and network during a session hosted by Foundant’s Rosie Sprangers. JOIN |
1:00 p.m. | Breakouts Day #2: Concurrent Workshop Track Sessions |
Track A. Addressing Housing: Deep Dive on Collaborative Response to Housing Justice – This panel discussion among funders, partners, and government officials will identify ways that philanthropy can leverage collaborations that improve housing access and quality in West Virginia. Moderator – Amanda Andere, CEO of Funders Together to End Homelessness Panelists include: – Brett White, CEO of Tygart Valley United Way – Marlo Long, Senior Vice Presiden, CRA & Community Development for Truist – Tiffany Hollin-Wright, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond JOIN | |
Track B. Program Officers/Grants Managers: Six Things every Funder Should Know on Blind Spots & Barriers – Ron Scott, YWCA of Wheeling, WV- Mr. Scott will discuss how board and grants committee members, staff, CEOs, and others can ensure that your grantmaking is engaging your full community. Mr. Scott provides his Six Things “phone, keys, wallet” check list to ensure the inclusion of your fellow community members, representing the minority or disenfranchised, so that our blind spots are not preventing full community engagement. The presentation will facilitate thought and discussion among any demographic that is considered a majority or members of the status quo. JOIN | |
2:05 p.m. | Annual Members Meeting: An exciting, but brief members meeting led by Philanthropy WV Board of Directors officers reporting on the impact, transformation, and work ahead of the organization. Don’t miss out the amazing progress to be shared! JOIN |
2:45 p.m. | Final Remarks & Day 3 Updates JOIN |
3:00 p.m. | Day #2 Adjourn |
Friday October 29 – Day 3
11:00 a.m. | Final Morning Welcome Remarks JOIN |
11:10 a.m. | Day 3 Opening Keynote: F.A.I.L.* Fest: a high-energy session for celebrating failure as a mark of innovation, risk-taking and learning. Three panelists will share humorous and real stories of failures of which they learned from and made their work better. Moderator: Satonya Fair, President & CEO of PEAK Grantmaking Panelists inclue: – Cathy McAlister, Highmark – George Montgomery, African American Philanthropy in Action Giving Circle *F.A.I.L. = first attempts in learning JOIN |
12:10 p.m. | Lunch Break with Entertainment or Showcase Videos JOIN |
12:55 p.m. | Breakouts Day #1: Concurrent Workshop Track Sessions |
Track A. Private Foundation Session – Leveraging Your Impact: From Broadband to Building Up Rural Communities Better. Learn from peer grantmaking foundations and nonprofit partners that are using their grantmaking to leverage more impact on larger initiatives (broadband, workforce, community development, and more). Foundations of all sizes can have mighty impacts on addressing the opportunities and challenges for WV. Panelists include: – Judy Moore, WV Hive – Natalie Roper, departing Executive Director for Generation WV & partner on the Benedum Foundation Broadband Initiative – Adam Sanders, Roy & Gwen Steeley Foundation JOIN |
Track B. Community Foundation & United Way Session – Building your Digital Fundraising beyond COVID. Is your United Way, Community Foundation, or other funder that raises money looking at how to build and/or update your digital fundraising? Come to this session to hear from the experts in online giving and practitioner and Philanthropy WV member at the Parkersburg Area Community & Regional Affiliates on ways to update, improve, and maximize your online fundraising presence. Panelists include: – Julie Posey, PACF & Regional Affiliates – Erik Bruan, GiveGab’s Director of Civic Engagement – Aaron Godert, GiveGab’s Chief Technology Officer JOIN | |
2:00 p.m. | Day 3 Closing Keynote: Lessons on Lifting Up Your Community from America’s Best Communities – Join Huntington, WV’s 2017 America’s Best Communities Grand Prize Winning Team who won the national community revitalization competition. Their cross sector partnerships has resulted in securing $3 Million for the community and its being leveraged for transformation in the community. The discussion with the leadership team including government, philanthropy, business, and nonprofit leaders will share lessons learned from Huntington that any funder or partner can use for their region to focus on significant collaboration across sectors to build up a stronger community, county, and region. Panelists include: – Steve Williams, Mayor of Huntington, WV – Mary Witten Wiseman, CEO for the Foundation for the Tri-state Community, – Margaret Mary Layne, President of Layne Consulting, Inc. JOIN |
3:00 p.m. | Final Remarks JOIN |
3:15 p.m | Formal Closing of the 2021 Annual Conference & Members Meeting |